Yet literacy rates across OECD countries have been declining since 2012.
Even more, we've seen firsthand how social media and bite-sized dopamine hits are undermining our children's ability to deeply engage with text. We're on a mission to change that.
We're a small, passionate team of four—three of us are parents who've personally seen the challenges our kids face. We know that without meaningful, immersive reading experiences, our children won't develop the skills and knowledge they'll need to navigate the complexities of the future.
Traditional publishing has struggled to keep pace, rarely challenging the "fast-food content culture" that's now a part of everyday life.
If we don't act now, we're heading towards an epidemic of intellectual obesity—where quick fixes replace deep, thoughtful understanding.
At Blossom Reads, we’re determined to revolutionise the way children interact with stories. We build on literature written by authors over centuries and shape it to address the needs and intellectual challenges of adults of tomorrw in a deeply personalised way. Thus giving rise to the category of Fun-ctional literature.
Join us in shaping the future, one story at a time. Introducing Fun-ctional Literature to drive this revolution further, we've crafted five steps toward creating what we call Fun-ctional Literature. This innovative approach builds upon centuries of literary tradition, making stories deeply personalised and finely tuned to each child's learning journey. It serves as a powerful exploration tool for kids and a valuable support for their caregivers.
Step 1 (today):
Delivering personalised books that transform each child into the hero of their own captivating story, igniting their passion for reading.
Step 2
Creating deeply contextual stories enriched by personal experiences, friendships, histories, and licensed characters, portrayed vividly in both text and illustrations.
Step 3:
Crafting fully bespoke stories and illustrations presented in dynamic, adaptive layouts that evolve alongside the reader’s interests and growth.
Step 4:
Incorporating advanced research and insights to elevate the educational and developmental impact of our stories.
Step 5:
Producing sensory-rich physical books that engage children’s senses, deepening their interaction and connection with the stories.
Together, these steps define a new era of literature designed to captivate, educate, and inspire. Join us as we transform reading into an immersive, powerful journey of discovery.